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Uncover the most complex threats

With proactive threat hunting, your business is protected from unknown threats and anomalies that can cause irreparable damage.

Hunt down evasive threats

CYREBRO proactively searches through your networks, endpoints, and databases to hunt down malicious, suspicious, or risky activities that have evaded existing security tools, giving you an added layer of advanced protection.

Stay a step ahead

Search for suspicious threats

Optimized monitoring

Your company automatically benefits from the collective wisdom derived from our data lake. All intelligence conclusions gathered from previously resolved incidents are collected and automatically fed directly into your security defense for enhanced protection.

Threat hunting is ongoing based on queries created by CYREBRO’s research team. We’re constantly uncovering new threats using known IOCs and the latest TTPs combined with advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms.

Every extracted threat hunting lead is investigated and used to build new rules that are fed back into SIEM technology. CYREBRO continuously optimizes its methods and processes to constantly strengthen its monitoring capabilities and, in turn, your defenses.

Discover threats before they take hold

CYREBRO’s proactive threat hunting searches through networks, endpoints, and datasets to identify suspicious activity and adversaries lurking in your IT system before they penetrate systems and bring business to a halt.

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